Monday, March 08, 2010

Destination Imagination

Evelyn recently participated in an activity called Destination Imagination. It is basically a group improvisational team. Her team practiced after school once or twice a week for about 3 months and finally had their competition a couple of weekends ago. While it is all improvised, they could practice based on a set number of topic; for example, they knew that they were going to get 1 of about 10 topics such as "endangered thing" and they knew that they'd have to incorporate a "super-power" that would be thrown at them about half way through the improv. They had to create props using only themselves and their body language and acting. Additionally, there were certain character types that had to be represented, such as "the absent-minded person" or "the contrarian." During the actual competition, they got "landline telephone" as the endangered thing and "spinning spiderwebs" as their superpower.

They worked very hard and had a great time doing it. It was neat to see them perform for the judges and use their quick-thinking skills. The ability to speak in front of an audience is such a valuable skill.

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