Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I Need A Vacation

Kenneth is in his elementary school's Honor Choir and they had their end-of-year show this evening. It was truly enjoyable. Kenneth had a solo part and he was the perfect ham. The premise of the show was a series of songs about kids needing a vacation from school. Kenneth's song was about a bunch of camps that his parents keep sending him to and all he wants to do is come home. Check out the video...

GT Project Night

The other night, Evelyn did my hair for me and we took silly pictures.

Kenneth and Evelyn both participated in the GT program at school and have been working hard on their individual projects. Both kids prepared a Power Point presentation and created a video to embed within the presentation. They did a great job! Their GT teacher, Ms. DeBord, is a favorite of theirs. She is so enthusiastic and, lucky for us, she will be leading one of their Summer invention camps too.