Sunday, December 14, 2008

No Hands

We've had a busy weekend. Friday night was my work party downtown at restaurant/club called Copa. This is the same place where Rod and I have taken salsa lessons a couple of times. The kids stayed with our neighbors while we were out. I'll babysit for them sometime over the next couple of weeks.

Saturday, we watched the movie "Willow," a (favorite) Lucas/Howard film from the 80s. It took some convincing to get the kids to agree that it would be worth their time to watch it. At the end, they loved it despite a few 'scary' scenes. During the movie, there was one scene with a bunch of fighting going on (among trolls, elwins, and daikimis--character types in the film) and Val Kilmer's character had accidentally gotten some love potion dust sprinkled on him. He stopped amidst the fighting to kiss the daughter of the evil queen Bavmorda. Evelyn is watching this and practically declares, "There's no time for kissing when there's fighting to be done!"
Kenneth has mastered the art of riding his bike with no hands (for short distances), much to my chagrin. I am in the background of that picture, anxiously looking on.

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