Monday, July 28, 2008

12 years!

Rod and I celebrated our 12th anniversary yesterday. It is very hard to believe so much time has passed. We dropped the kids off with Nana and Pops and booked it to Mandola's, which is one of our favorite Italian restaurants:

This place has homemade everything--from the pasta to the gelato. On the plus side, it is casual dress. If you live in the Austin area, you have to drop in.

I was feeling motivated (or perhaps a combination of nostalgia and insomnia) and took a picture of a couple of our wedding photos. At the time of the wedding, I recall thinking to myself that my hair would look quite outdated in a few years because of the enormous bangs. Periodically I'd check out our album and think 'not yet--it's not bad yet.' I think it's officially reached the 'Looks-Like-The-Mid-90's' style now. The dance/pose song "Macarena" was at the height of its popularity and, of course, the DJ felt the need to play it. We all felt obligated to participate, so I can't blame the DJ entirely.

I can only imagine what the next 12 years will bring.


Tiffani said...

In the midst of all the chaos of moving I kept trying to recall what July 27th was. I went through every birthday imaginable, but forgot your anniversary. Wow!! 12 years :) That is so awesome.

Ontiveros Family said...

I thought of you all on Sunday. I remember your wedding like it was yesterday. It's hard to believe that it was 12 years ago. That's several degrees, a few jobs, 2 kids, several homes, etc...later! Congratulations. We miss you guys!

Elizabeth said...

Happy anniversary, belated! I do remember the Macarena. It was all the rage in 1996.