Monday, February 18, 2008

Happy Birthday, Evelyn!

A few days ago, my sweet Evelyn had her 7th birthday.
She was so proud. We went to the same place she had her party last year (a local pottery place) but this time with a targeted effort: picture frames. We picked up the finished products last weekend and they all look great. The plan is to put a picture of each child in the frame that they created themselves, to send home along with Evelyn's thank-you notes. In the picture to the left, she is wearing a new dress that her Grandma Aixa got her, and a new pink sweater than her Nana got her. Kenneth decided that a picture frame wasn't quite his style and opted to paint a ceramic egg, instead. Most of the time, he spent taking pictures for us. Nana and Pops drove over for the party, too.

At the end of day, the kids went to play at our neighbor's house, while we shared a sitter and went out to eat at a fabulous Mexican restaurant off of Manor Rd. near downtown Austin. I'll have to look up the name again because there's quite a few down there. This one, however, had ambience and was packed with a late 20-something/early 30-something crowd. A definite repeat.
Spring soccer practice has started up again for Kenneth (they call it "conditioning" already). Evelyn will have her first practice this week. They are on the same teams as last season. I just hope Evelyn's shoes still fit her. Growing like a weed, I tell you.

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