Friday, October 26, 2007

Blue Angels Air Show

Last weekend we zipped up to Dallas to visit our friends, Tiffani, Jim, & Abby and see an air show that featured the Blue Angels. The Blue Angels are 'the best of the best' as far as fighter and stunt pilots. It was a beautiful day, but despite the nice weather, the sun made us tired. OK, when I say "us" I mean the 4 females in the group. Tiffani laid on her back on the hot concrete at one point and I spent time sitting with my head facing down to avoid too much sun exposure. Evelyn and Abby took only one good photo where they didn't look exhausted or upset. Rod took a picture of me and Tiffani that I refuse to admit was the reality of the day (and also refuse to post it). The wind had whipped several hairs out of the ponytail that was attempting to restrain them and we looked like splotchy-faced Olans. Kenneth and Rod spent most of the time happily looking up at the sky with cameras. Rod was bright red the following day. The Blue Angels portion of the show was very cool, I have to admit.

1 comment:

Tiffani said...

Yes. I came home, looked in the mirror and then WORSE...looked at the pictures...and realized that the man giving away free things at the concession stand probably just took pity on my sad state. That wan only marginally better than the day I when I ran into my new neighbor while looking like some type of drug addict, lol. Thank you for not posting!!!