Friday, February 02, 2007

Celebrate Your Valentine's Breakfast With Us

Evelyn and Kenneth were having a conversation in the car today based on a song Evelyn was singing that had the phrase "Get that quarter back" in it. I have no idea if this is something she made up or if she heard it somewhere. Kenneth's personality is such that if he feels someone isn't 'getting it' he'll pipe in with clarifications. So we get something like this:

Kenneth: "Evelyn, do you even know what a quarterback is?"

Evelyn: "Yes. It's when you throw a quarter over your back."

Kenneth: "No that's not what that means. A quarterback is a guy in football who has a good hand at throwing."

Evelyn: "Well my song is about throwing a quarter over your back. You know when Mom says Chill Pill? You need to be a chill pill."

On a different note, I went to HEB after the kids went to bed. I am now debating doing all of my grocery shopping at night because it was uber-fast, despite all of the re-stocking boxes everywhere. At the end of one aisle was a display of all of the varieties of Quaker Oatmeal with a big sign that said "Celebrate Your Valentine's Breakfast with Us." Who on earth starts Valentine's Day with oatmeal? And even if they did, who would call it a celebration? Maybe I need a chill pill.

1 comment:

Tiffani said...

haha, you could single handedly be bringing back chill pill to all of pflugerville!

the hardest part about going to work is not doing my shopping during the day. late at night and sunday mornings are totally the way to go.