Monday, November 20, 2006

The Yearly Flu Shot

Poor Kenneth has to get his flu shot on Wenesday and he is very anxious about it. Evelyn can get a Flu Mist, but Ken has to stick (no pun intended) with the shot because he has a mild case of asthma. He was lamenting about it tonight and I told him that some kids have to get a shot every day when they have certain diseases (meaning, diabetes, although I didn't say the word diabetes). Kenneth said very seriously, "I know Mom. Rabies."

I am taking Tuesday and Wednesday off from work (of course, Th & F are holidays). The kids have one more day of school on Tuesday, but I will be participating in Evelyn's class Thanksgiving party in the afternoon, then we'll all go home and start the vacation together. I baked several mini-loaves of chocolate pound cake and pumpkin bread for the party and for a teacher gift (of baked goods) effort that is put on by the PTO.

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