Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Are Your Abs Ready to Play?

This is the first time ever that I have gotten behind on my Oprah magazine. I realize this is a little pathetic. November is sitting on the table by my bed, right underneath the Real Simple magazine that is also unfinished (but at least started). The December Oprah arrived today. I'll have to force in a double issue of wisdom in the near future.

On a different note, the instructor in Krav Maga class was on his self-proclaimed 2nd Rockstar drink (which I guess has a crapload of caffiene in it) and made the workout way more intense than usual--and it's pretty intense regardless. The Wednesday instructor happens to have trained Navy Seals and reminds us of that periodically. At one point he yelled "What's THAT? What's that? I hear your Abs calling! Are your Abs ready to come out and play?!?!?!??" Yikes. Mine were happy where they were, thank you.


(F)redddy said...

My friend, Heather, that lives a couple of blocks away from you takes Krav Maga classes. I think she's does them up there on Mondays and Wednesdays (or Tuesdays and Thursdays!). Wouldn't it be weird if y'all were in the same class!

WallineFamily said...

Hmmm. I always go on Monday and Wednesday nights.