We stayed home from school and work today because Kenneth had a bad night with his asthma. Fortunately, that does not happen very often at all. Most of the time we all forget he even has asthma. He'll take it easy at school tomorrow. I was able to work on email periodically and talk with some colleagues in-between tea party sessions and episodes of Scooby Doo Meets Batman and Robin. Evelyn set up a fancy tea party for 5 guests: (1) Mom, (2) Kenneth, (3) "Pointy the Unicorn", (4) "Hairy", and (5) "Baby Diaperhead". You can see the 3 inanimate guests in the picture. Evelyn lost another tooth yesterday, which you can see in a couple of the pictures. At one point, Kenneth sat on Pointy the Unicorn and pretended to ride it to antagonize his little sister.

Predictably, Evelyn freaked out: "Get off Pointy! He's company! You don't do that to company!" I had them rolling with laughter when I force fed "Hairy" pretend pepper from the pepper shaker.
At the end of the day Evelyn told me that I was the best Mom ever and that she loved me "from the shreds of my heart." My sweetpeas.
I look forward to reading and looking at your blog. April has it as a link on theirs, so I usually go from looking at Noah to you all. I have to tell you that I love the stories and pictures of the kids "from the shreds of my heart". Love, Janet
Thanks Janet! I think the family blog is the wave of the future...
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