Merle and Linda arrived today for a visit as they finalize some financing and other house-building related stuff. Of course, Linda brought 3 containers of cookies and I have had a count of 4 since dinner time, so I very seriously need to be careful while the cookies sit, omnipresent on my kitchen counter. Fortunately, both Rod and Merle will quickly go through the batches. Kenneth and Evelyn like them as well, but they are still at the age where they ask me if they can have one before they just take it!
Over the weekend, I took the kids to see Bridge to Terabithia (the movie) and I had forgotten from when I read the book as a kid that one of the main characters dies. Evelyn was a little teary, but she handled it well compared to the adults behind us, who were sobbing. Goodness. The man who plays the father in the movie looks a lot like Merle and during the movie, both kids looked at me at the same time and said "He looks like Grandpa!". Check out the picture of Merle and Evelyn (from July 2005) and the picture of the guy from the movie website. (Sorry, I didn't feel like learning how to properly crop the picture for posting, so there is a lot of white space.)
Because of the rain and probably because I was being a bit lazy, I didn't go to the grocery store this weekend...so tonight after the kids went to bed, I made it to HEB. $210 later, I feel almost fully stocked. I spent about an hour after I unloaded groceries making the lunch box bags of crackers, pretzels, and carrot/cauliflower/broccoli combos. I can tell you (for any mothers out there that don't already do this on a regular basis) that such preparation is so helpful in the mornings before school and also just to have around for when you're heading out to soccer practice or wherever.
I took your advice on preparing snack bags in advance as soon as I went back to work. I was a little overzealous at first and we still have some of our homemade granola & cereal bags for the mornings, haha. Luckily I don't have to prepare lunches yet, so fresh vegetables/fruit are still just a farmers market stop on the way home when we run low. I don't know if you've read my blog, but I have actually had trouble factoring in trips to the grocery store since I've gone back to work haha. Who knew htat what was a 3x a week trip for us could dwindle to total avoidance?
Agree. There is a fine line. I want to go before 9 PM so I can get the deli counter Boar's Head meat, but it is so much easier if I go after they go to bed. :) You'll figure it out.
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