Friday, May 23, 2008

Raise Your Hand If You Want to Quit the Conversation

Kenneth's Honor Choir celebrated the end of the school year with a performance of all the songs they've worked on throughout the year. Nana drove over to see the performance too. Kenneth looked like he wanted to break out and start dancing at any moment. He would add in little gestures like making a telephone sign with his hand at his ear when the word "communicate" was in the song. Granted, the purpose of the choir is uniformity, but I see more stage-acting or debate in his future.

Evelyn was telling us a story about a conversation between several girls in her class that was heading in a direction she didn't like. She ended her participation in the conversation by saying "Raise your hand if you want to quit the conversation." I think I'll adopt her phrase and use it at work when I have to deal with some "special" personalities.


Tiffani said...

That is an awesome way to just move the conversation right along, lol. I'm thinking that stands a good chance of getting overused in my daily life :)

Elizabeth said...

Sometimes I think I would like to use that on Caleb. Like when he's asking me to be "Queen Uniqua" for the 50th time in one day.