We visited a new restaurant this weekend because Kenneth's soccer game was at a field in a part of Austin that we don't get to visit too much. It is called "Mighty Fine Burgers," owned by the same company that created Rudy's Barbecue. For those who are unaware of the sheer genius of Rudy's, it is the ideal restaurant for kids (well-behaved or otherwise). The atmosphere at Mighty Fine Burgers was similar: large fold-out tables laid out cafeteria-style, food on butcher paper, etc. They pride themselves on shoestring-size crinkle fries, which were highly addictive. Anyhow, we were all having a grand time talking about who knows what when Evelyn says "These burgers really are mighty fine, and ... (jaw drops) ... that is NOT mighty fine!" As we turned to look at what she was referring to, we were greeted with the unpleasant sight in the picture. Rod surreptitiously took this photo from his camera phone while pretending to be vastly interested in the television set. Kenneth suggested that we call the restaurant "Mighty Fine Boody" from now on!
That is HILARIOUS!!!
I hope the restaurant served their buns without cracks!
Poor guy- now he is the butt of the joke... hee hee!
That is hilarious! I saw something very similar on a woman in College Station last spring. It was not pretty!
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