Today was a typical Tuesday. Both kids have overlapping soccer practices, so Rod and I shuffle who goes where and who makes the sandwiches for dinner and who gathers the water bottles, etc. etc. Anyhow, although it is not cold like it was last week, there is a certain chill in the air when you spend 2.5 hours sitting outside in the early evening. I bring an outdoor blanket for such occasions. I was sitting on the grass watching Evelyn's practice when the younger son of the coach (3 yr-old little brother of the kiddo on the team) came over to me with a huge grin. He asked (and I am not re-phrasing) "Would you mind sharing your blanket with me?" Of course I did not mind, and he snuggled next to me under the blanket off and on during the practice. At the end of the practice he said "Next time, I am definitely sitting next to you!" I thought that was very polite and rather verbose for a 3 yr-old.
Later in the evening, Evelyn found a full stick of dry spaghetti on the counter that had rolled under the toaster. She scampered off with it and I didn't think anything of it until I was unceremoniously cleaning the downstairs bathroom. In the only remaining toilet paper roll in the basket, I saw 3 small sticks of spaghetti stuck out of the edges of the roll. That is certainly something to be aware of when mindlessly grabbing toilet paper.
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