We drove to College Station to see Elizabeth, Josh, Caleb and Kyle on Saturday. As predicted, the cousins were thrilled to see each other. I tried to take some decent pictures but they just wanted to play--so you can see the picture that is probably representative of every family picture ever taken with young children.
While Caleb and Kyle were napping, we went to Freebirds for lunch. Nana was visiting Elizabeth too, so she went to Freebirds with us. Later, Caleb got a haircut from his Dad and did not like it one bit. Kyle watched the process with a concerned look (Kind of like: 'What are you doing to my brother?'). Evelyn was also watching and offered her two cents: "I think he's overreacting to the hair on his neck." (ha ha)
Later in the day, Rod had a work event to go to, and Nana & Pops offered to watch the kids Saturday so I could go out. I had been invited to join a small group of people to go salsa dancing. There is a club in downtown Austin called Copa, where you can pay $5 for an hour of salsa lessons from 9-10 PM prior to the official club opening at 10 PM. It was so fun. The way they handle it is that the men and women rotate periodically so that you can work with different partners. This is good because there are varying ranges of dance experience. Once the club opened, it got pretty packed and I was not ever short a dance partner. I will definitely go back (next time I'll bring Rod!).
The salsa dancing sounds like so much fun!
And you officially have a beautiful family :)
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