Somehow everyone forgot to take photos at Thanksgiving when we were all together. I am sorry we forgot because I put together photo books at the end of the year, and now there will be no record of Thanksgiving! Oh well. We did get a funny photo of Kyle and Caleb in Evelyn's dress up clothes.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I've Turned Into ...
One of those people who sing along to the music in the grocery store. To be fair, it was later in the evening and there were not many people around but I got through a Grease song and a Journey song before I saw 2 other people singing and realized what I had become.
They say the first step to recovery is acknowledging the problem.
They say the first step to recovery is acknowledging the problem.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Long Weekend
We had a long weekend because the kids were out of school on Monday due to a teacher inservice day. Besides relaxing around the house, we took a walk down the Pfluger park trail,
something which we had not done before. We have been to Pfluger Park many times, but have
never taken the trail beyond the park perimeters. The trail extends throughout a small portion of town, running alongside a creek that changes in width as you progress along it. The kids rode their scooters and I walked. We stopped numerous times; at just about every trail opening that led down close to the creek. Each opening had surprisingly different terrain, ranging from a
(miniature) waterfall, a (miniature) cliff, and banks that you can tell had once been underwater, and perhaps would soon be again if the water levels rose. At each spot, Kenneth and Evelyn looked for fish and found fish of all sizes, from fish tank size to catfish about the size of my extended hand. We collected and brought home some clams that Evelyn captured for the fish tank, though Kenneth's thigh-deep attempt to catch a catfish was in vain.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Recent Pictures of Kids

Thought I'd include a couple of cute pictures of the kids that were taken recently. This is Evelyn with her friend Edie on the Zilker park train. We may have to try to get Elizabeth's kiddos out there for the train ride--they would love it. The other picture is from Kenneth's friend's (Mason) birthday party. Mason's Mom, Lisa, took the picture.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Now that Ann Marie is bigger, it is easy to see the family resemblance between Evelyn (she was 2 in this picture), Elizabeth (probably 2 in the picture), and Ann Marie.
It's hard to know if Evelyn will eventually get my straight, brown hair, or whether she'll keep the sandy blond that she has (and Elizabeth has)...
Monday, November 03, 2008
Halloween 2008
We had a great, little culdesac party on Halloween. It was just the right amount of kids and food and games....
Evelyn's costume cracked me up because the mask she chose (to go with her robe from Taiwan, fingerless lace gloves, and gold belt) made her look like a little old man. She had hand-made her wand and hat for her wizard costume.
Tomorrow is voting day! I fortunately voted early (and even then had to wait 45 min in line). Rod plans to get to the polls about an hour early in the morning--I'll bet there are people in line before him.
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